要使用這個服務很簡單。只要登入 Google Analytics,然後鍵入你想要分析的 Blog 網址,再選幾個選項按幾個 Next 最後就會產出一段程式碼,在你的 Blog 中插入它就行了。
不過也沒這麼簡單,我搞了十幾分鐘才成功… >"<
原因是,我使用的 Blog 平台 Blogger,有讓你輕鬆在板面上安裝各種小工具的方便介面。所以我以為從「版面配置」裡按「新增小工具」,加入「HTML/JavaScript」,再把 Google Analytics 程式碼貼上去這樣。錯!!! 這樣安裝不成功!!! >"<
*判斷 Google Analytics 程式碼是否安裝成功:[官方來源]
You can always check the status of your installation in the Website Profile summary box, under the column "Status." The following tracking status messages can appear for your profile:
Waiting for Data
The tracking code has been detected on the home page of your website, and Google Analytics is aggregating the data to populate into your reports.Tracking Unknown or Not Verified
The tracking code has not been detected on the homepage of your website, so please verify that you have installed the code correctly.
Receiving Data
The tracking code is working properly and data is being populated into your reports
是的,我出現了那該死的失敗三角形標誌!!! 找了一下發現正確的裝設方法:
The Google Analytics Tracking Code should be immediately before the </body> tag of your page. [官方來源]
所以我不能直接使用 Blogger 的「新增小工具」來加它,要用「版面配置」裡的「修改 HTML」,把 Blog 原始碼捲到最下面找到 </body> 這個標籤,把程式碼貼在它的上面。
這樣就行了。現在我的 Google Analytics 狀態已經是打勾勾了~(撒花)
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